vocal - piano - musical theatre - choral - spoken word - instrumental - band

PATRONS ($300 and up)
Linda & Gerry Swab (Rosthern)
Dr. Troy Kirkpatrick Dental (Rosthern)
Rosthern Recreation (TIP Grant) (Rosthern)
Prairie Padgett Tax & Accounting Ltd. (Rosthern)
Waldheim Parks & Rec Board (TIP Grant) (Waldheim)
Sask Valley Pharmacy & Rosthern Pharmacy (Rosthern)
SUSTAINERS ($200 - $299)
Rebecca Isaak (Laird)
Valley Ford Sales (Hague)
RJC High School (Rosthern)
Carmen Corner Meats, Don & Louella Friesen (Waldheim)
CONTRIBUTORS ($100 - $199)
Team Fuel (Laird)
Granger Drugs (Waldheim)
Block's Agencies (Waldheim)
Darka Contracting Ltd. (Hague)
My Mutual Insurance (Waldheim)
Friesen’s Bigway Foods (Rosthern)
Waldheim Auto Service (Waldheim)
Valley Sports & Hardware (Rosthern)
Laird Manufacturing Corporation (Laird)
Don Unger & Carol McFadden (Waldheim)
Greg Bobbitt & Linda Rudachyk (Rosthern)
Doug Bienia Veterinary Services Professional Corp. (Hague)
ENTHUSIASTS ($50 - $99)
Good Habits (Rosthern)
Marvin’s Gardens (Waldheim)
Terry’s Auto Repair (Waldheim)
David Jahnke, Barrister & Solicitor (Waldheim)
FRIENDS (Up to $49)
Walter Agencies Ltd. (Rosthern)
Thank you to all the businesses that donated to the door prizes. For a complete listing of donors, please see the door prize table.
(Those listed below were confirmed at the time of printing.)
Family Pizza (Rosthern)
RJC High School (Rosthern)
Brandt Agriculture (Rosthern)
Lil Bean Ice Cream (Rosthern)
Saskabush Outdoors (Rosthern)
Station Arts Centre (Rosthern)
Carmen Corner Meats (Waldheim)
Rosthern Bowling & Golf (Rosthern)
DQ Grill & Chill Restaurant (Rosthern)
Long & McQuade Musical Instruments (Saskatoon)
THANK YOU to our Corporate Sponsors!!
SMFA is funded through the Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation.
If you wish to donate to the 2024 Sask Valley Music Festival, please email us at: saskvalleymusic@gmail.com.